Introducing your new kitten
Start out your new Maine Coon Kitten in one room with a litter pan and water dish. Ideally, the one room should be a bedroom with yourself or another human resident. This accomplishes a couple of things. Your new kitten will not be overwhelmed by its new surroundings and get "lost", and thusly will have no problem finding the litter pan. You will feed the new kitten in this room and keep the established cat out. It allows the new kitten to bond with it's new human and also build up some self assurance in its new surroundings since it will not have to compete for food or attention right away. Finally, it allows the new kitten and the established cat to sniff each other under the door and get familiar with each others' scents. If you put the new kitten in with other pets right away, there's also a chance the kitten will bond with the other animals first. If you want the baby to see YOU as it's primary companion, allow it to connect solely with you before meeting other pets.
You can also exchange blankets or
bedding between them while they're separated to allow each to get used to the
other's smell. Take the baby's blanket into the other cats area and feed
them a special treat on it - this will associate the kitten's smell with
something good :-)
After 3-5 days of the new baby being in its one room, it is time to let the the
two meet each other.
As a precaution, be sure all parties have had their nails trimmed recently! Be
prepared for some posturing, some spitting and hissing, and the like. IGNORE IT!
After a while, they should begin chasing each other about while still having the
occasional hiss or spit as they get accustomed to each other. Cats tend to make
a whole lot of noise and even loosen up some fur. Rarely will two domestic cats truly
hurt each other. I've had some that make horrifying noises that will scare
you silly, growling, grumbling, screeching and even screaming - don't try to
pick anyone up while they're in the midst of such a temper tantrum or you may
startle them into biting you. If you observe serious aggression, use a
spray bottle to redirect their attention - just a couple of squirts of plain
water will turn most cats. This type of extreme behavior is more common
when introducing two adults - 99% of the time an adult will accept a kitten
without getting aggressive, other than a few smacks to let the kitten know who's
in charge in the house! Let them establish their dominance over the
kitten, it's natural.
When introducing two adults, you
might keep them separated a bit longer and use the exchange of bedding several
times, giving treats on the "other's" blanket several times. The process
is basically the same, just give an adult being rehomed more time to adjust to
it's new space and the inhabitants! Patience is key when rehoming an adult
cat :-)
Once they are introduced, there are a couple of things you must remember - Don't
separate them again, they will get along! Do not interfere in their
"discussions" as they need to sort it out amongst themselves. Once dominance has
been established, things will quiet down for the most part.
It does not hurt to give the established cat treats and extra attention after
the new kitten is introduced. Don't give the kitten excess attention in front of
the established cat.
A couple of things you may have to do are to feed them on separate dishes and
provide more than one litter pan in different areas of the household (as cats
can be very territorial about litter pans).
All in all, this method generally has great success and makes for a fairly
smooth introduction. Please remember that they may make up immediately, or it
may take a couple of weeks, but when a cat is used to a buddy, they would rather
have one than be alone all the time.
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Moosecoons Maine Coon Cats & Kittens in Maryland